2024 Life Changing Pashto Bayan | Taqwa Aw Parhezgari Sa Ta Waye | Molana Imdad Ullah Sahib

Описание к видео 2024 Life Changing Pashto Bayan | Taqwa Aw Parhezgari Sa Ta Waye | Molana Imdad Ullah Sahib

Assalamu alaikum!

Welcome to our latest video, featuring the inspiring Pashto bayan of Molana Imdad Ullah Sahib.

Many of you have been searching for Moulana Imdadullah 2024 Pashto bayan, and today we're honored to share it with you.

We hope you'll find solace and guidance in this heartfelt Pushto bayan.

Thank you for watching!

Don't forget to subscribe to our channel for more soul-stirring Pashto bayanat and powerful wazifa.

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