10 Horrifying Facts About Flakka: The Zombie Drug

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We’re told all kinds of horror stories about drugs. We’ve all heard those scare stories about people frying their minds, jumping off cliffs, or breaking into murderous rages. We’ve heard those “reefer madness” stories that are usually so over-the-top that reality can never live up to them.

But flakka—the new synthetic drug that’s been said to turn people into zombies—is different. It’s a new generation of bath salts that, compared to other drugs, hasn’t spread that far. But the people who use it have gone on mad, violent, zombie-like rampages that make the worst drug stories your mother ever told you seem tame.

Flakka affects people in ways no other drug ever has. The things people do while high on it are so crazy that some of this might seem like a hyped-up scare story. But people filmed these things. The videos are here, and you can see for yourself just how dangerous the effects of this zombie drug really can be.


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