
Описание к видео #only10decks

#only10decks #only10 - A VR to Kathy Flowers!

Katey Flowers’ original video:    • If I could ONLY keep 10 decks?!! 😱Tar...  

If I could only keep ten decks, which ones would be chosen? Yikes! Not an easy question to answer, but here are the decks that made the cut.

Decks mentioned in this video:

The Original Rider Waite Tarot Pack (US Games)
The Morgan Greer Tarot (US Games)
Northern Animals Tarot (Wilder Hearts Studio)
Dame Darcy’s Mermaid Tarot (Dame Darcy)
The Next World Tarot (Cristy C. Road)
The Gentle Tarot (Mari in the Sky)
Pagan Otherworlds Tarot (Uusi)
The Illuminated Earth Oracle (Claire Mack)
Oak, Ash and Thorn Tarot (Stephanie Burrows and Adam Oehlers - Three Trees Tarot)
The El Goliath Tarot (El Goliath)


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