Twin Flames 🔥 What the Divine Masculine Wants to Do Tarot Channeling Part 1

Описание к видео Twin Flames 🔥 What the Divine Masculine Wants to Do Tarot Channeling Part 1

Hi friends I was guided to do this tarot spread for current energies of masculine. Listen carefully.

Other latest videos:
1-Twin Flames Divine Masculines Tarot Karmic Partners with Timelines

2-Sexual advances and blocks video

Personal readings:

Channelings personal ones are available if you would like to know your own futuristic path- see below and buy:

Story is a requirement for everything readings or inner work /clearings/ healings -anything
Story should be 300-500 words and that which best describes your twin journey thus far or about yourself ( in case you are seeking a channeling on if there is at all a twin for you)
Healings clearings inner work chakra work all need to be accompanied by story sent on my email

Twin readings 88 usd
Twin and confirmation readings 99 usd
Past life readings twin 120
Past life with others mother aunt sister karmic partner 129
Maternal healing 120
Family healing 158
Ancestral healing 188
Karmic shiva destruction 200
Kalavahna genitalia cleanse 200
Karmic triangle readings 112
Pink light 70
Sacral sexual clearings and healing 245
Feminine anima healing
Decadron healing 299

How to pay: self pay at PayPal using my email [email protected] you can use send money to family and friends
Also send the story on this email

Just see the prices and send
Self pay any day
No contact necessary
Deliveries in word documents with 5-15 day turnarounds (going upto 31 days in heavy traffic)

Much Love ❤️


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