Qari Amanullah Faheem Best Bayan 2024 The Life of Muhammad PBUH Shan e Mustafa SAW...

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Qari Amanullah Faheem Best Bayan 2024 The Life of Muhammad PBUH Shan e Mustafa SAW...
Makkah holds a sacred place in Islamic history as the birthplace and early life of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). Here's an overview of his life in Makkah:

Early Life (570-610 CE)

1. Born in Makkah on 12 Rabi' al-Awwal (April 26, 570 CE)
2. Father: Abdullah ibn Abdul Muttalib
3. Mother: Aminah bint Wahb
4. Grandfather: Abdul Muttalib, leader of Quraysh tribe

Prophethood (610-613 CE)

1. Received first revelation from Allah through Angel Jibril (Gabriel)
2. Began preaching Islam secretly to close family and friends
3. Initial converts: Khadijah, Abu Bakr, Ali, and Zayd ibn Harithah

Public Preaching (613-615 CE)

1. Openly preached Islam, facing opposition from Quraysh leaders
2. Delivered sermons at Ka'bah and other public gatherings
3. Persecution intensified, with boycotts and physical harm

Migration to Abyssinia (615 CE)

1. Sent 83 companions to Abyssinia (Ethiopia) for safety
2. King Negus protected Muslims, refusing Quraysh demands for extradition

Return to Makkah (616 CE)

1. Returned to Makkah, continuing to preach and face persecution
2. Lost protection after Abdul Muttalib's death
3. Quraysh imposed economic and social boycott

Night Journey (Isra' wal-Mi'raj) (621 CE)

1. Journeyed from Makkah to Jerusalem, then ascended to heaven
2. Received prayers (Salah) and guidance from Allah

Hijrah to Madinah (622 CE)

1. Emigrated to Madinah with Abu Bakr, marking the Hijri calendar's start
2. Left Makkah, ending 13 years of prophethood in the city

Conquest of Makkah (630 CE)

1. Returned to Makkah victorious, forgiving Quraysh leaders
2. Destroyed idols at Ka'bah, establishing Islam's dominance

Important Locations in Makkah:

1. Ka'bah (House of Allah)
2. Cave Hira (first revelation)
3. Birthplace of Prophet Muhammad
4. House of Khadijah
5. Masjid al-Haram (Grand Mosque)

Lessons from Makkah Life:

1. Perseverance in the face of adversity
2. Courage to stand for truth
3. Importance of community and support
4. Divine guidance and protection

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