Am I Addicted To Weed? | How my 18 years of chronic use ended

Описание к видео Am I Addicted To Weed? | How my 18 years of chronic use ended

I'm here to have open and honest conversations about marijuana addiction and mental health. It's not always easy to admit defeat, but most of us, know when that has to happen. We can make all the excuses in the world, but that doesn't change the fact that we're in rough shape and we can use some help.

I fully support the legalization of cannabis and I think it will only help people and move this conversation forward.

People make fun of you, and you feel kind of pathetic that marijuana has brought you to your knees. That's certainly my situation. I used every justification in the book that everyone else uses and again remember this is all personal. We all have our personal stories and our personal thresholds and what we want and don't want. The life I knew for a long time I didn't want to be smoking weed but I. Couldn't do anything unless I knew I was going to be high and be able to stay high that ruled my life.

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So here we are with the am I addicted to weed channel. My name is Mike. I am a former marijuana addict. I was high literally 24 hours a day for 1718 years and that really yeah, you know caused many problems in my life. It's been about 5 1/2 years since I entered recovery and stopped using and I'm here to talk about this because no one wants to talk about marijuana addiction because. People don't think it's real.

People make fun of you, and you feel kind of pathetic that marijuana has brought you to your knees. That's certainly my situation. I used every justification in the book that everyone else uses and again remember this is all personal. We all have our personal stories and our personal thresholds and what we want and don't want. The life I knew for a long time I didn't want to be smoking weed but I. Couldn't do anything unless I knew I was going to be high and be able to stay high that ruled my life.

My biggest justification was marijuana is not going to kill me so I can do it 24 hours a day. Amazing, I distinctly remember probably around 1516. Having this like moment, wow, I don't think I'm ever going to stop doing this so I. Right? Can't picture myself stopping. But at least I'm not going to die. At least I'm not the. Like you know, the guy on the street corner with a needle in his arm or I'm not crashing cars or I'm not that right and that's the like sickness.

That's the illness of our mind that's tricking us and eluding us into thinking everything we're doing is OK, and it's total madness. And that's what's really hard about the marijuana addict. Marijuana addiction is that it's a slow burn. Now it's like the frog boiling in the pot of water doesn't realize it's going to die until it's dying. Because of that idea that marijuana wasn't going to kill me. I could kind of justify it and I could say, well, I'm not gonna get addicted to the other drives cause I know I'm going to die.

So that was one of my things I was like I don't want to do those drugs because I know what will happen to me and it'll probably end in death. So I am just going to justify, you know, using chronic, genetically modified. Super lead 24 hours A. Day and that'll be OK. And that is not an OK way to live. And that is totally backward and messed up.


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