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Parker Solar Probe: সূর্যের আরো আরো কাছে যেতে চলেছে নাসার মহাকাশযান পারকার সোলার প্রোব, Nasa News ||
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Voyager 1
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সূর্যের সংসার পেরিয়ে ইন্টারস্টেলার স্পেসে রয়েছে নাসার এই মহাকাশযান।
pale blue dot, ভয়েজার ১ এর তোলা পৃথিবীর একমাত্র ছবি যা সত্যি মন খারাপ করে দেয়, Earth Image Voyager 1, Voyager, Voyager 1, Only Earth Image captured by Nasa Voyager 1 Space Probe, Nasa, Carl Segan, Earth, Travel Shooters, Space, Solar System, Science, Science Video, Nasa Video, Nasa News, Science News, Space News,
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parker solar probe, সূর্যের আরো কাছে এগোচ্ছে নাসার পার্কার সোলার প্রোব লাগবে আরো ৪ বছর, NASA, Really Awesome! What NASA Spacecraft Saw Touching Sun First-Ever, Nasa Solar Probe: সূর্যকে ছুঁয়ে ফেলল নাসা, কাছের নক্ষত্রকে আরও কাছ থেকে জানার দরজা খুলল, parker Nasa, NASA enters Solar Atmosphere for the first time, NASA, Solar Wind, Solar Storm, Parker Solar Probe, Sun, Nasa, Travel Shooters, Space, Space News, Solar News, Parker Solar probe News, NASA's Parker Solar Probe Touches The Sun For The First Time, Educational Video,
For the first time in history, a spacecraft has entered the solar corona—the point in the Sun's atmosphere where its magnetism and gravity are strong enough to stop solar material from escaping. Our Parker Solar Probe, launched in 2018, first swooped through the Sun's corona for a short period earlier this year.
Just as landing on the Moon allowed scientists to understand how it was formed, touching the very stuff the Sun is made of will help scientists uncover critical information about our closest star and its influence on the solar system. For example, Parker Solar Probe's journey through the corona is already helping astrophysicists understand the origins of unusual zig-zags found in the solar wind that flows past Earth and planets beyond. Parker has already made ten fly-bys of the Sun and will continue to swirl ever-closer as it collects data over the next four years.
The image seen here was taken by our Solar Dynamics Observatory in March 2012, as a giant eruption of solar material exploded off of the surface on the Sun's right side.
Credit: NASA/SDO
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