
Описание к видео 廣色域時代已到來!教你如何正確設置mac外接顯示器(修正版)

#colormanagement #colorcorrection #macbookpro #dell
本期視頻為前面幾期關於色彩管理方面的修正版~隨著蘋果以及越來越多安卓手機將P3色域作為默認的拍照色彩空間,今後使用廣色域顯示器開啟廣色域模式將成為必然趨勢。如何正確做色彩管理顯得尤為重要!作為Mac的外接顯示器,同樣需要正確設置後才能顯示正確的顏色。建議觀看相關視頻(recommende to watch related videos):

   • Win11出現巨大色彩管理bug!如何在windows上正確做色彩管理?  
   • sRGB才是王道?如何給顯示器校色以及windows下如何做色彩管理?愛色...  
   • 如何讓Macbook pro和外接顯示器保持色彩一致?  

【The era of wide color gamut has arrived! Here's how to properly set up an external display for your Mac (revised version)】

This video is a revised version of the previous episodes on color management. As Apple and more Android phones adopt the P3 color gamut as the default photography color space, using wide color gamut displays in wide color mode will inevitably become a trend. Proper color management is crucial! Similarly, external displays for Macs also need to be correctly configured to display accurate colors.(recommende to watch related videos)


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