Cost Saving Aquarium Hack That Really Works!!

Описание к видео Cost Saving Aquarium Hack That Really Works!!

I want to find the best planted tank substrate. Will cat litter work as an aquarium substrate? And how will it compare to Tropica Aquarium Soil, Akadama Bonsai Soil, and Unipac Sand? In this video, you'll find out via a month long experiment to establish how well a range of different aquarium plants can grow in cat litter versus the other three substrates.

A few top tips for using cat litter in your aquarium:
Only buy 100% clay based, and unscented cat litter. Ideally the non-clumping variety.
Rinse your cat litter before adding to the aquarium to remove dust.
Conduct a series of water tests to ensure the water is safe for your fish before adding to them to the aquarium.

Akadama Bonsai soil is also well worth exploring if you intend to setup an aquarium for a really long time and want the benefits of a high cation exchange capacity substrate that is long lasting.

🛒To purchase Akadama, head here:
🛒If you liked my hoodie, then check out my merch here: https://my-store-c474ba.creator-sprin...
📺For my videos on estimative index, siesta dual lighting, and DIY Co2, check out this playlist:    • My Mission & Vision  

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Thanks for watching!!!

Things I have bought that I think you will like too:

🛒 Co2 Generator Kits - Ebay US: | Ebay UK:
🛒 Dennerle Nano Cube Tank - Ebay US: | Ebay UK:
🛒 Dennerle Scapers Tank - US Ebay: | UK Ebay:
🛒 Aquael Leddy Slim Link - US Ebay: | UK Ebay:

To get in touch for collaborations / enquiries etc - email me at: [email protected]
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