IDEA principle 2: Eligibility and evaluation

Описание к видео IDEA principle 2: Eligibility and evaluation

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IDEA principle 1: Free Appropriate Public Education (FAPE)    • IDEA principle 1: Free Appropriate Pu...  
IDEA principle 2: Eligibility and evaluation    • IDEA principle 2: Eligibility and eva...  
IDEA principle 3: Individualized educational program (IEP)    • IDEA principle 3: Individualized educ...  
IDEA principle 4: Least restrictive environment    • Individuals with Disabilities Educati...  
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In the last video, I introduced the first principle of IDEA: free appropriate public education, also known as FAPE. In this video, I’ll introduce the second principle of IDEA: Eligibility and evaluation.
Under IDEA's “child find” mandate, states are required to have policies and procedures in place to identify, locate, and evaluate all resident children with disability, including those who are homeless, English language learners, and wards of the state, regardless of the severity of their disabilities or whether they attend public or private schools.

But the law does not specify how to identify, locate, and evaluate them.
D. L. v. District of Columbia (2017)
P. P. v. West Chester Area School District (2009)
Crofts v. Issaquah School District (2022)


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