shyama charan lahiri bani | লাহিড়ী মহাশয়ের বাণী | lahiri mahasaya

Описание к видео shyama charan lahiri bani | লাহিড়ী মহাশয়ের বাণী | lahiri mahasaya

The astral body, infinity life Mahamuni was the disciple of Mahavatar Babaji Maharaj. Sri Sri Shyama Charan Lahiri Mahasaya, an ideal Indian household yogi, guru, yoga avatar was born on 30 September 1828 in Gurni village of Nadia district. Which is now a neighborhood of Krishnanagar city. Who is popularly known as Lahiri Mahashay. His father was Shri Gouramohan Lahiri and mother Muktkashi Devi. He was the youngest son of that house. His mother died when he was a child.He was a devotee of Shiva. When he was five, his family's ancestral home was swept away by a severe flood. Later they moved from that village to Varanasi. He spent most of his life there. During his stay in Kashi, his father Gaurmohan, a believer in scripture reading and religious practice, who himself recited the Rigveda daily, sent the boy Shyamacharan as a Vedic disciple for a while to the Vedic Maharashtrian Brahmin Nagabhatta. Bathing in the Ganges, reciting the Vedas and worshiping were part of his daily routine.

💡 (এই ভিডিওতে ব্যবহৃত কিছু ছবি, ভিডিও প্রকৃত ব্যক্তি, ঘটনা, সময় বা স্থানকে উপস্থাপন করে না; দৃশ্যের শূণ্যতা পূরন করতে তা ব্যবহার করা হয়েছে।)
💡 (Some of the images/clips used in this video do not represent actual people, events, times or places; they are used to fill in visual gaps.)
💡(इस वीडियो में उपयोग किए गए कुछ चित्र/क्लिप वास्तविक लोगों, घटनाओं, समय या स्थानों का प्रतिनिधित्व नहीं करते हैं; उनका उपयोग दृश्य अंतराल को भरने के लिए किया जाता है।)
Voice of Sreerup Chakraborty
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lahiri baba
yogiraj shyamacharan lahiri
srimati kashi moni
shyamacharan lahiri
lahiri mahasaya kriya yoga
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shyam charan lahiri
yogiraj lahiri mahasaya
shri lahiri mahasaya
lahiri mahasaya srimati kashi moni
babaji lahiri mahasaya
yogi shyama charan lahiri
mahasaya lahiri
swami lahiri mahasaya
yogi lahiri
shri shyama charan lahiri
kriya yoga shyamacharan
om lahiri mahasaya
lahiri kriya
autobiography of a yogi lahiri mahasaya
sri sri shyama charan lahiri mahasaya
yogananda lahiri mahasaya
panchanan bhattacharya kriya yoga
yogiraj shyama charan lahiri mahasaya
lahiri mahasaya mahavatar babaji

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NB: Please note that this video does not advertising or representing any organization. Through this video I am presenting the life of a sage and his beautiful words - Sreerup Chakraborty

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