ŽIŽEK 101: The Function of Ideology and The big Other vs The Superego | D&M S2:e07

Описание к видео ŽIŽEK 101: The Function of Ideology and The big Other vs The Superego | D&M S2:e07

Mikey is back to teach Dave the basics of Žižek’s theory of ideology. If you have been learning Lacan 101 and now Žižek through Mikey and Dave’s conversations, you might want to dive into the deep end. Check out the course on Žižek’s For They Know Not What They Do, which starts on February 25th: https://theory-underground.com/course...


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Logo sequence music by https://olliebeanz.com/music
Song: Bust Down
Artist: 808 DEATH CLUB
License: Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 - http://bit.ly/RFP_CClicense


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