20 minute led Metta Bhavana (Loving-Kindness) Meditation

Описание к видео 20 minute led Metta Bhavana (Loving-Kindness) Meditation

Vidyasakhi leads us through the 5 stages of the Metta Bhavana meditation practice.
Learn the basics of this ancient practice that helps us to connect more fully with an innate sense of friendliness and loving-kindness towards ourselves and others. Gently transform your life with this loving-kindness meditation.

Change your life: Learn to meditate.
Once you've learned the basics by video - join us at Meditation Night live streamed here on Thursdays at 7pm. Learn how to take the practice off the cushion, into your everyday life. Develop your practice and get support from other meditators. Live Q+A.


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