Twilight of the Thunder God by Amon Amarth - Expert+ Drums 100% FC (1,135,750)

Описание к видео Twilight of the Thunder God by Amon Amarth - Expert+ Drums 100% FC (1,135,750)

Crazy shit, took like 15 minutes today. I played it for about 45 minutes the other day and made it to the aggravating fill at 2:13 like 4 times but gave up because I was inconsistent. In that time I had one choke in the outro double bass and one 100% overhit lol.

Then I had the genius thought today to just hit everything early to give myself more time for the quick ass double kick they put in there, and voila, hit it every time. So then it was just a matter of getting there and past it and FCing... took me two runs past that break to FC today.
Super happy with this, and it also means my double bass ability has once again returned after its inexplicable hiatus over the past couple months... fUrY wHeN!?!?!

Also I've been grinding the WoR X+ DLC songs and have just one left now, so I've got a nice stockpile of videos to upload over time :) for now I'm just getting up the best ones (of which I am running out :') lol).


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