Unlawful Occupants of Palm Coast Drug House Trespassed by Property Owner, FCSO

Описание к видео Unlawful Occupants of Palm Coast Drug House Trespassed by Property Owner, FCSO

Eight unlawful occupants of a known Palm Coast drug house have been permanently trespassed from the property following legal action by FCSO and the property owners. The unlawful occupants of the residence were removed and issued trespassing warnings yesterday morning (3/21/23) and are not allowed to be on or in the property at 30 Black Hawk Place ever again.

All of the trespassed individuals have lengthy criminal histories in Flagler County, including narcotics-related crimes and violent crimes. There have been several overdose calls for service as well as an overdose death at the residence since it was taken over by the unlawful occupants.

The owner of the residence was extremely cooperative in assisting FCSO with completing this goal.

“We are cleaning up our community one residence at a time, whether we have to permanently ban you from your own residence or trespass you from someone else’s,” said Sheriff Rick Staly. “We have raided this house many times and if the criminal justice system doesn’t solve the problem, we will use civil and criminal law remedies, as we have done before. I thank the absentee owner of this home for working with us to solve a neighborhood nuisance. Several of the neighbors came outside while we were on scene thanking us for removing these trespassing poison peddlers and addicts from their street so they can regain the neighborhood’s sanctity.”


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