What strength reading glasses do I need?

Описание к видео What strength reading glasses do I need?

One of the most frequent questions we hear is, “I need reading glasses, but how do I know what power I need?”

Reading difficulty happens to the majority of us as we age and usually becomes noticeable when we get to our 40s. The condition is called presbyopia, which is caused by a naturally occurring loss of elasticity in the eye. That is why the print on menus, newspapers, and smartphones becomes difficult.

Do you recognize these indicators?

• You find yourself squinting and holding your reading material further away.
• You have a hard time reading in lower light conditions.
• You are around 40 years old and experience eye strain when reading.
• You recently began having trouble reading, but your vision is still great at a distance.

If these sound familiar, you’re probably a candidate for reading glasses. We say “probably” because if you have any of the problems mentioned and experience difficulty or eye strain with objects farther away, like when driving, you might need a prescription solution.

Once you’ve determined you need reading glasses, the next question is, “What strength do I need?”

At ReadingGlasses.com, magnification powers range from a low of +0.75 to +4.00. The lower the number, the more moderate the correction.

So, what power of reading glasses do I choose?

The best answer is to have an eye doctor determine the strength you need. However, we know in-between eye care visits, many will want to approximate what you need. And since you’ll probably search the internet and find all manner of advice, charts, and rules of thumb (some good, some not so good), we’ll share what we think is the best way to proceed, starting with The Eye Chart Method.

It’s important to keep in mind that reading test charts aren’t always precise. That’s why ReadingGlasses.com suggests pairing the Eye Chart Method result with a selection of additional test powers to create a Power Straddle Assortment.


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