Everything YOU NEED to know about Yiddish - Jewish Languages Part ג.

Описание к видео Everything YOU NEED to know about Yiddish - Jewish Languages Part ג.

A year ago I made a video about Yiddish, but here I want to revisit the subject in much greater detail than before. This video is not a remake, rather more of a follow up from before. There will be another video the same as this just done in the Yiddish language available in a couple of months time.

Music: bensound.com

Disclaimer: I am a training linguist so not fully professional, so before you comment about me using the wrong past participle or that my ergative verb was 3 declensions too high, take your degree from the University of Reddit elsewhere, this content is to help people whom are getting into languages and not to overwhelm them with overly specific definitions.


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