Book Release of Naalai Namathe - Written by Rev. Bro. Dr. Johnson Rex Dhanabal - 05/08/2019

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On 5th August 2019, Patrician College of Arts and Science added another feather in its cap with the Director and Secretary, Bro. Dr. Johnson Rex Dhanabal fsp releasing his first book ' Naalai Namathe', a book of self confidence.

The event was graced by the presence of the Minister of Tamil Official Language and Tamil Culture - Thiru. K. Pandiarajan who released the book and and gave the first copies to Rev.Dr. John Jayasingh (United Nations Peace Ambassador, New York, USA), Mr. Emiliyas (Additional Advocate General of Tamilnadu), and Rev. Bro. Vincent ( Superior, Patrician Community, Chennai). Other eminent personalities who offered felicitations were Rev. Fr. Jegath Gaspar Raj ( Tamil Maiyam, Chennai Sangamam), Prof. Dr. Parveen Sultana, Mr. Joe Malloori (Poet and Actor), Dr. Fatima Vasanth ( Academic Director, Patrician College of Arts and Science), and Mr. Inigo Irudayaraj (Director, Christuva Nallenna Iyakkam)


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