Magicians vs Greenteck, Reina & Shigekix | 3v3 Open Styles Top4 | Radikal Forze Jam 2019 | RPProds

Описание к видео Magicians vs Greenteck, Reina & Shigekix | 3v3 Open Styles Top4 | Radikal Forze Jam 2019 | RPProds

"As an organizer, despite not being able to control all situations at my event because of the scale of things, i think i owe a statement to all those who were present and experienced the un-pleasant incident at the event, and those who are watching on social media.

Firstly, I would like to say, I am a firm believer of the confucius saying “Do not do unto others what you don’t want other do unto you”

What we doing is dance and hiphop... and in dance & hiphop, i believe what we have been educating is peace, love, unity, & having fun, knowledge is supposed to be in there too, and i believe that RESPECT should be something that has been educated just as strongly as the earlier mentioned pillars of our belief.

It is 2019, and we as a dance culture has moved from being just in the ghetto, to a worldwide phenomenon, and culture of massive diversity. We as role-models, practitioners, and educators SHOULD always be setting an example of positivity and respectfulness apart from the technical aspects of the dances.... that is what sets us, people from the hiphop culture, apart from other artforms. Especially when we are moving up in the ranks as a worldwide industry and community, paving the way for the FUTURE generations...

I largely disappointed with the disrespectful act towards Wizzard from Greenteck.... especially when it is was done in an environment where there are children, parents, and government officials. Your actions not only impact, wizzard directly, but also potentially causes hurt to me and my orgnisation in being able to continue running our event.

Green, you show no remorse, and you and your fans believe what you did is ok... that is you, and nobody can change you. I respect that. But i do not respect your actions as i strongly believe that it was not necessary especially when u are already at the level that you are at.

Wizzard, you handled it like a gentlemen, and even shook hands and offfered peace to green immediately after the battle, when you did not need to... kudos to you...

Shigekix and reina apologised to the opponent group on behalf of greenteck, even though it was not your wrong doing, and i applaud you both for that despite the both of you guys being much younger, and understanding how to improve the situation.

Brooklyn Terry & Jin, i thank you for for getting on the mic, to put people to school.... and educating the public that we do not condone that kind of behavior.

Thanks to the judges for making the right decision... to set the tone on what should not be tolerated.

Finally.... to the members of the public reading this post.... please feel free to share and discuss.... everyone has their own opinion and train of thought....

This is not a hate post, just a statement, and this behavior is completely the opposite of what the Scape Radikal Forze Jam 2019 is about... Please leave your egos and negative actions at home if anyone is ever coming out in the future...

But as i said.
“Do not do unto others what you don’t want others do unto you”

- Felix Huang Radikal"


Organized and Produced by Recognize! Studios @recognizestudios

Winners: Magicians

DJ Ake (Italy)
Emcee Tyron Chua & Jin Neo

Filmed by Edwin Prasetyo
Edited by Richard Prayoga
Photo Thumbnail by James Chua

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