UPLB Recon & Shifting Experiences + (How I shifted twice!)

Описание к видео UPLB Recon & Shifting Experiences + (How I shifted twice!)

Hey fam! Here's another video just before recon application starts tomorrow. Disclaimer, these are all just based on my past experiences back in 2015. Things may have already changed especially with the new requirements especially that free tuition is already being implemented. I was just hoping to help. Please comment down below about new guidelines and adjustments so incoming freshies can stay updated! Thank you!

P.S. Check out UPLB OUR's latest post about recon. I finished editing this video a day before the new criteria have been posted.

"Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen." [Hebrews 11:1]

To the person reading up to this point, let's pray together!

Dear Lord,
Bukas na po ang start ng recon, and opening of classes is just around the corner. Lord, marami pa din ang confused, torn, and lost about what path they should take and wherever you will bring them. We offer you Lord all our worries and fears, Ikaw na po ang bahala. Let your will be done in our lives because You know Lord what is best for us. We put our faith in You. In Jesus Name, Amen!

Thank you for watching and praying with me!

Connect with me:
Instagram: @ricajninelaroya
Email: [email protected]


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