Weaver Gameplay Miracle with Moon and 33 Kills - Dota 2 7.37

Описание к видео Weaver Gameplay Miracle with Moon and 33 Kills - Dota 2 7.37

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Weaver Dota Gameplay :    • Dota Weaver Gameplay  

According to https://dota2.fandom.com/wiki/Weaver , All Weavers worked to maintain the fabric of creation, save one Skitskurr, who took it upon himself to create that which had not been woven. Cast out for his ambitions, Skitskurr was now free from his obligations, free to weave a new reality of his own. Opening a gap in spacetime, the Weaver invites "The Swarm" — young Weavers to latch onto enemies, and nibble away at their armor. Nearly impossible to pin down, he slips into micro-wormholes, passing through enemies and reappearing with Shukuchi. The fabric of time frays around Skitskurr, occasionally replaying, causing his Geminate Attacks to be witnessed — and felt — more than once. The Weaver takes brinkmanship to an extreme. Fighting to the verge of death, Skitskurr turns back the clock with Time Lapse, reversing his injuries and undoing his foes' efforts, much to their dismay.

Next Patch: Updated Patch since August 2024: Dota 7.37 or Dota 2 7.37


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