H.H The 43rd Sakya Trizin Gyana Vajra Rinpoche going at Marang, Ghar Gumba, Lomanthang and Namgyal.

Описание к видео H.H The 43rd Sakya Trizin Gyana Vajra Rinpoche going at Marang, Ghar Gumba, Lomanthang and Namgyal.

Pal Ewam Namgyal Choedhe Thupten Dhargyeling Monastery is one of the ancient, historical monasteries in Upper Mustang, where masses of ardent devotees inevitably visited to worship and practise traditional ritual performances. This monastery is in the northern range of Nepal near the Tibet border, at an altitude of 3,850 meters from sea level.

Before Ngorchen’s (1382–1456) visit, a powerful household during Gunthang's rule typically called Zhangpa ( ཞང་པ། ) had authority over the Namgyal monastery. There were also four other monasteries besides Namgyal Monastery. King Amapal (b. 1388, First King of Mustang) and his lineage had built Dakar Thekchenling, Rishing Domsumling, and Jampa Shedupling around Khachoe Labrang (Currently, a ruin on a hill near Namgyal village). Drungpa Choje Kunga Chokdrub (A son of the elite and went to Tibet at the age of 22 and later established that monastery) built Phuphak Samtenling Monstery.

After the gradual diminution of the powerful household called Zhangpa ( ཞང་པ། ), King Amapal (b. 1388, First King of Mustang) invited the supreme master Ngorchen Kunga Sangpo to Mustang. Ngorchen Kunga Sangpo refurbished and expanded Namgyal Monastery. He enhanced the monastery where mostly Sutrayana was practised for a long time. The monastery became a shelter for more than a thousand monks. Since then, the Namgyal monastery became the seat of Ngor tradition. Khenpo Jamyang Sherab Gyatso (1396–1474) was enthroned as the first Khenpo (Abbot) or seat holder of Pal Ewam Namgyal Choedhe Thupten Dhargyeling Monastery by Ngorchen Kunga Sangpo. Jamyang Sherab Gyatso was the closest and entrusted disciple of Ngorchen Kunga Sangpo at that time. From then, the tradition of an academic tour to Ngor Monastery, Tibet was started and continued till 1959.

Then respectively Penchen Sakya Chokden (1428–1507) and Lowo Khenchen Sonam Lhundup (1456–1532) became seat holders of the Monastery. During Lowo Khenchen Sonam Lhundup (1456–1532) on 6 June 1505, an earthquake estimated magnitude of 8.2 and 8.8 has occurred. That was one of the largest earthquakes in Nepalese history. There had been massive destructions. All the monasteries had to combine to protect the left tressures and traditions safely. Monasteries called Rishing Domsumling, Jampa Shedupling, and Phuphak Samtenling collaborated to Namgyal Choedhe Thupten Dhargyeling monastery. Dakar Thekchenling monastery had moved to Lo-manthang village. After the collaboration, there were four groups called Khangtsens ཁང་ཚན། (houses ) of monks. They all stayed under the same roof of Pal Ewam Namgyal Choedhe Thupten Dhargyeling Monastery.

Then again Jetsun kanga Drolchok (1507–1566) and Jetsun Kunga Palzang (1513–1595) became the seat holders of Namgyal Choedhe respectively. After Jetsun Kunga Palzang (1513–1595) the history of continued seat holders are not clear but the oral tradition speaks that the Khenpos (abbots) were sent from Ngor monastery, Tibet. From the late 19th century to the late 20th century, Lama Ludrup Rinpoche, Meme Yonten Sangpo, Gen Tusltrim Woser, Gen Ngawang Kunga, Khenpo Thokmey Choephel and Meme Dhondup became representative seat holders respectively.

The vanishing of Mustang's royal power on the Ngari side and war from Jumla in the 17th century affected the Monastery literally. Thus, the fame and active dharmic activities diminished from the late 19th century to the late 20th century. After 1959, the tradition of an academic tour to Tibet vanished. All the regular ritual traditions of the monastery declined. So, the number of monks begun to decrease in every Khangtsen ཁང་ཚན། (house). Thus, all Khangtsens ཁང་ཚན། (houses) were also diminished which led the monastery itself to diminish.

In 1962, His Eminence Chogye Trichen Rinpoche visited Namgyal Monastery and bestowed empowerment of the "twelve refining factors" (སྦྱོང་རྒྱུད་དཀྱིལ་འཁོར་བཅུ་གཉིས་ཀྱི་བཀའ་དབང་།). His Eminence Chogye Trichen Rinpoche visited Upper Mustang several times. His dharmic visits and spiritual performances maintained and flourished the traditions of the monastery once again.

In 1963, there had a conflict among monks regarding shrine holy objects, and monastery tressures. That internal conflict became the law case in which they had to fight a case against each other in presence of King Angon Tenzin Dadhul. From then Namgyal Sangha dispersed. That incident is one of the most miserable stories of the monastery.

In 2004, Venerable Khenpo Tsewang Rigzin was sent to Namgyal Choedhe Thupten Dhargyeling monastery with the kind spiritual guidance from His Holiness 41st Sakya Trizin Rinpoche and His Eminence Luding Khenchen Rinpoche and the humble request of Namgyal Monastic Sangha. He was enthroned a Khenpo (abbot) to maintain and preserve monastic traditions and ritual practices to flourish Buddha Dharma in Mustang. In 2005, he started Pal Ewam Namgyal Monastic School. In 2006, he built a school near the monastery in Namgyal, Mustang. In 2009, he built a


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