Nico Thebaud - Time-Space Evolution Of The South West African Craton!

Описание к видео Nico Thebaud - Time-Space Evolution Of The South West African Craton!

Curious about how ancient earth processes shape mineral-rich provinces? Join us for this week's geohug session as Nicolas Thebaud guides us through the latest research combining lithogeochemical data and radiogenic isotopic analyses (U-Pb, Lu-Hf) on zircons. This integrated approach reveals the 4D evolution of the lithosphere in Guinea, Liberia, and Sierra Leone, highlighting:
🔸 The presence and reworking of ancient meso- to paleo-Archean lithosphere. 🔸 The magmatic evolution from 2300 Ma to 2040 Ma, showcasing juvenile material input and significant crustal reworking during the Eburnean progeny.
🔸 Insights into the crustal and metallogenic evolution that shaped today's mineral endowment.


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