【Folome】马口 (I) - 暂离城市的喧哗 追寻宁静片刻 。 A quick escape from the city hustle, a moment of bliss - Bahau .

Описание к видео 【Folome】马口 (I) - 暂离城市的喧哗 追寻宁静片刻 。 A quick escape from the city hustle, a moment of bliss - Bahau .

马口 (I)暂离城市的喧哗 追寻宁静片刻 。 A quick escape from the city hustle, a moment of bliss - Bahau
【Folome x Brandnergy x CR8 Consultancy】
A quick escape from the city hustle, a moment of bliss - Bahau. This little getaway is perfectly suitable for families, friends, and backpackers.
Bahau Part 01 - 生活的忙碌免不了需要一个喘息的空间。而在距离吉隆坡市仅两个小时车程的马口小镇,就是您与家人度过休闲假日的好地方。
Special Thanks to CR8 Consultancy

Special Thanks to CR8 Consultancy
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