Korg Polysix INHALT Demo No Talking Analog Synth from 1981

Описание к видео Korg Polysix INHALT Demo No Talking Analog Synth from 1981

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The Korg Polysix was my first analog synthesizer way back when I was 16. While I had a virtual analog at the time, this was the first time I got to experience the magic of analog and this synth left a lasting impression.

I haven’t had the Polysix in many years and this one here I am selling (it has MIDI and has been serviced for the battery issue) but I simply can’t get over how good it sounds. It’s no surprise as in many regards, the Polysix is the “poor man’s Prophet 5 (rev2)”. In both tone and feel, the Polysix is definitely of the Rev 2 P5 variety as its build is with SSM chips that embody that definitive analog goo. While you can’t do the fancy footwork as on a P5, there are plenty of additions that honestly would have made the P5 even more lethal.

Chiefly there is the most excellent arpeggiator. I’ve used many an arp and this one here is exactly what an arp should be. There is also the absolutely gorgeous BBD based analog fx section. The ensemble effect is yet to be put into any kind of pedal form and it’s so rich and deep it truly transforms the sound into a moody and silky bed of warmth.

I particularly love how the top end of the keyboard sounds. The higher octaves have such a definitive tone color that the Polysix’s origin of 1981 is unmistakable.

I never understood why people lined up in droves for the Juno 60 and 106. Yes the bass was nice on the 60 but it’s ultimately a home organ with an arp and a noisy chorus. The Polysix on the other hand, is a true blue proper analog poly. Had Sequential made it as a more affordable Rev 2 Prophet 5, it would not be the “poor man’s”.

Send me an email to [email protected] or message me on instagram @inhalt.us if you want to buy this lovely Polysix.


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