Teslas on Polkadot! Web3 car-sharing demo, powered by peaq | Polkadot Decoded 2023

Описание к видео Teslas on Polkadot! Web3 car-sharing demo, powered by peaq | Polkadot Decoded 2023

Polkadot Decoded 2023

Leonard Dorlöchter
Co-founder of peaq

We'll be demonstrating Web3 car-sharing powered by Polkadot. Either via a stream or a pre-recorded video, we will showcase a Tesla vehicle equipped with a peaq ID a Self-Sovereign Machine Identity running as part of a fleet enabling decentralized car-sharing.

We will explain how Web3 technologies enable machines and devices to provide real-world value and services in a true peer-to-peer way. We will also discuss how Polkadot shub and spokes design makes it the perfect home for an IoT/EoT focused layer-1 like peaq.

peaq project details:

#polkadot #parachain


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