solo kegging the skeleton fleet and sinking a galleon

Описание к видео solo kegging the skeleton fleet and sinking a galleon

In this great sea of thieves adventure, i set sail with the goal of solo kegging the entire skeleton fleet. This was my wildest ride in all my time of playing sea of thieves.

#seaofthievesclips #adventure #seaofthievesmoments #seaofthievesguide #piratelegend #seaofthieves

0:00 intro and collecting kegs

03:00 first 3 tips

04:20 first battle begins

04:40 2 more tips

05:10 1st keg

06:50 2nd keg

07:50 3rd keg

08:55 4th keg

09:40 5th keg

10:50 2nd wave

12:10 6th keg

13:10 ship sinks

14:10 7th keg

15:00 second round intro

16:30 2nd round starts 1st keg

21:05 2nd keg

22:15 3rd keg

23:20 4th keg

24:00 player galleon arrives and 2nd wave spawns

25:40 player galleon battle

28:35 back at the outpost

29:05 a lot of ramming and searching

31:40 using skeleton sloop as shield

36:10 finding the kegs

38:20 5th keg

40:20 last ram

41:20 fleet destroyed and outro

Tips for completing this crazy keg adventure in sea of thieves:

1. Stock up on wood and good food
2. Bring a rowboat as backup
3. kegs can easily be found at inactive forts ( looting 2 forts is enough
4. go at full speed mostly, so your mermaid spawn fast, when you have to go onto the skeleton ship
5. stay on top with repairs as much as possible before you leave the ship
6. drop the kegs from the back of your ship when possible
7. the harpoon is your friend


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