Save States: The Feature I Wish Every Game Had

Описание к видео Save States: The Feature I Wish Every Game Had

Save states in emulatores make it extremely easier to play and finish games while working around a busy schedule. It's the definitive way to "pick up and play" games.

Fortunately, quick resume in modern games has made this a bit easier but nothing still beats save states. Do they arguably make games easier because it's too easy to cover up mistakes? Sure, but if you don't want to use save states, don't. It's just an option, and a very nice one to have at that.

I've been making videos on this channel since 2013. A lot has changed since then, but today I make videos for the same reason someone may keep a diary.

It's to track and chronicle the things I am interested in at various points of my life. These videos are something for me to be able to look back on.

So why are you here? Because video games are fun and worth sharing! If that's a journey you want to be a part of, like the video and subscribe to the channel.


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