Abacus Multiplication to Perfection

Описание к видео Abacus Multiplication to Perfection

Multiply your potential to effectively instruct students who are blind or have low vision to use the abacus. Webinar attendees will be guided through the process of multiplying single-digit numbers using the abacus. As confidence is gained, training will progress to multiplying larger numbers along with guidance to understand common abacus mistakes. The webinar will end with a variety of math games available to students who are blind or have low vision.

Name: Leanne Grillot

Title:  Senior Director of Outreach Services
Affiliation: APH

Content Information:
Primary Core or ECC Area: Core Curriculum-Math, ECC-Compensatory Access

Target Audience: TVIs, parents, paraprofessionals

Pre-requisite knowledge:   Abacus addition and subtraction using complementary numbers (Look for the Hive course called The Abacus: A Million Manipulatives in Your Pocket www.aphhive.org)

Learning Objectives:

Explain vocabulary, the rule for positioning subproducts, and the purposes of how a multiplication problem is set on an abacus.
Evaluate multiplication expressions for their purpose of teaching one digit in the multiplier and any number of digits in the multiplicand.
Evaluate multiplication expressions to teach multiplication with complementary numbers in subproducts.
Evaluate multiplication expressions to teach any number of digits in the multiplier and the multiplicand.
Explain common errors students make when multiplying with an abacus.


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