Croaghaun | Achill Island | The highest sea cliffs in Ireland | Westcoast IE |愛爾蘭 | 愛爾蘭西岸 | 愛爾蘭西岸高漢山

Описание к видео Croaghaun | Achill Island | The highest sea cliffs in Ireland | Westcoast IE |愛爾蘭 | 愛爾蘭西岸 | 愛爾蘭西岸高漢山

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Croaghaun - (from the Irish ☘️' Cruachán' pronounced 'Cro hawn', meaning‘hardening’ )
Croaghaun, on Achill Island, is a unique mountain featuring twin peaks and the highest sea cliffs in Ireland, at a height of 688 metres (2,257ft). They are three times higher than the more famous Cliffs of Moher in County Clare and are the third highest cliffs in Europe after Hornelen in Norway and Cape Enniberg on the Faroe Islands.

The route to Croaghaun top is wild and inevitably steep and is without official Country Trails to lead the way. If you are a first-time visitor to Achill Island like me, I would recommend engaging an experienced local guide - I was so lucky to have Gerard from Achill Isle Walking Tours - Achill Isle Walks. to lead me!

The usual departure is from beautiful Lough Acorrymore. Enjoy the stroll along the ridge with fantastic views over the amazing blue flag beach at Keem bay, where we can see the old coast guard station built in 1911, and you have a good chance of seeing huge basking sharks close to shore. Since this route is very exposed, sunscreen & a hat is necessary in good weather if you do not want to get sunburn, but bring at least a windcheater. Approaching from this direction you will reach the South West peak at 664m - it had a lot of midges the day I was there so I didn't stay long - bring insect repellant! From there we had a lovely walk up the rocky path under sparkling sunshine with cooling ocean breezes to the highest point of Croaghaun at 688m from where the views are spectacular.

From this peak, I descended a steep slope to reach the site of the tragic aircrash on the 15th June1950 when an off-course weather monitoring plane smashed into the mountainside killing all aboard. The remains of the four engines are scattered on the side of the mountain.

These magnificent scenes are absolutely worth spending a day of your time in Achill Island!

The history of the Aircraft crash in Achill 1950
   • Achill Air Crash 1950  

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Filmed & Edited by Chris

Croaghaun -(來自愛爾蘭語 ☘️'Cruachán' 發音為“Cro hawn”,意思是“硬化”)
Croaghaun 高漢山位於阿基爾島上,是一座獨特的山峰,擁有雙峰和愛爾蘭最高的海崖,海拔 688 米(2,257 英尺)。佢比起克萊爾郡更著名的莫赫懸崖高出三倍,是歐洲第三高的懸崖,僅次於挪威的霍內倫懸崖和法羅群島的恩尼貝格角。

前往 Croaghaun 山頂的路線崎嶇不平, 而且無可避免地陡峭,亦都無官方路徑引路。如果你同我一樣係第一次黎阿基爾島,我建議你預約一位經驗豐富的當地嚮導——我今次好彩可以約到來自阿基爾島徒步旅行的杰拉德—— 帶我行呢個獨一無二既山峰!

我地既出發點係由一個好靚既阿科里莫爾湖開始。沿著山脊漫步,欣賞 Keem 灣令人驚嘆的藍旗海灘美景,遠望果度我哋可以見到建於 1911 年的舊海岸警衛隊站,如果你好彩的話,亦有可能在靠近海岸的地方見到巨大的姥鯊。由於呢條路線非常暴露,如果你唔想曬傷,就需要帶防曬霜和帽,至少要帶一件風衣。由呢個方向上行,我地將到達 664 米處的西南峰 - 當日我係呢個山峰 上就有好多蠓,所以我就無停留太耐 - 記住帶驅蟲(防蚊)劑!由西南峰,我地係波光粼粼的陽光和涼爽的海風中沿著岩石小徑漫步,到達 688 米的 Croaghaun 最高點,我係呢個可以係呢個最高點欣賞到壯觀的景色。

由呢座山峰,我向下行落陡坡,到達左一個 1950 年 6 月 15 日發生悲慘空難的地點,當時一架氣象監測飛機偏離航線墜入山腰,機上人員全部遇難。四個引擎的殘骸散落在山的一側。

詳細有關1950年 6 月 15 日空難既歷史
   • Achill Air Crash 1950  



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