{LIVE🔴} Bolt Just Wants to Play | Trony Banner and Event Leaving, Bunnies Soon.... [Daily Grind]

Описание к видео {LIVE🔴} Bolt Just Wants to Play | Trony Banner and Event Leaving, Bunnies Soon.... [Daily Grind]

Hello and welcome to my livestream.
I play many games but my main game currently is [Goddess of Victory: Nikke].
I also play Reverse 1999, Brown Dust II, Blue Archive and Astra: Knights of Veda as well...
Also completing Red Dead Redemption II and Mark of the Ninja

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Hope to see you again.
Thank you.

Thumbnail Art:

#nikke #nikkethegoddessofvictory #勝利の女神 #scrublordyt #fun #videogame #video #game #event #raid #gacha #daily #grind #reverse #1999 #reverse1999 #browndust2 #scrublord #bluearchive #rdr2 #reddeadredemtion2 #markoftheninja #astra #astraknightsofveda #veda
Music provided by TheRelaxedMovement.
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