想想你的人生就能笑出声儿 Thinking in a funny way | Xiao Lu | TEDxHaidian

Описание к видео 想想你的人生就能笑出声儿 Thinking in a funny way | Xiao Lu | TEDxHaidian

深夜三里屯的三蹦子为何躁动? 亲生哥哥为何动手能力极强? 医院老专家口中的稀有病例究竟为何? 这一切的背后! 是人性的哭笑不得还是情绪的触底反弹? 是牛粪上鲜花的绚烂还是对不如意人生的掌控? 敬请关注今晚10点TEDxHaidian TV大会重播——想想你的人生就能笑出声儿,让我们跟随镜头走进小鹿处理悲剧的艺术。
Will you, take your thought into the HAPPY processing factory? Will you, make your life as the fertilizer of the HAPPY tree? Will you, trick yourself to be the raw material of HAPPY? All in all, Your thoughtful will give a HAPPY seed for your life. your life will grow a HAPPY flower for yourself. And yourself, will get HAPPINESS forever. 小鹿



Xiao Lu
Wechat Subscription@小鹿呓语

A Certified lawyer, a stand-up comedian. Signed comedian of Danliren Comedy.

Xiao Lu was the head writer of many variety shows such as “Tonight ”“MDSK Show”. She has performed around 1000 live shows around China and owns 2 Chinese comedy specials—“Xiao Lu Luan Zhuang” and “Lu Jian Bu Ping”, which creates a record in Chinese female comedians. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at https://www.ted.com/tedx


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