Black joy is for Black people | Chelsea Watego | TEDxByronBayWomen

Описание к видео Black joy is for Black people | Chelsea Watego | TEDxByronBayWomen

Chelsea is a Munanjahli and South Sea Islander woman and scholar speaking on the power of Black joy in a settler colonial state – a power derived not from an appeal to settler sensibilities to be seen as a human, but in just being, in spite of it all. Chelsea Watego (formerly Bond) is a Munanjahli and South Sea Islander woman with over 20 years of experience working within Indigenous health as a health worker and researcher. She is currently Professor of Indigenous Health, and Executive Director of QUT’s Carumba Institute. She is a prolific writer and public intellectual, having written for IndigenousX, NITV, The Guardian, and The Conversation. She is a founding board member of Inala Wangarra, an Indigenous community development association within her community, a Director of the Institute for Collaborative Race Research, and was one half of the Wild Black Women radio/podcast show, but most importantly, she is also a proud mum to five beautiful children. Her debut book Another Day in the Colony, published by UQ Press, was released in November 2021 and met with critical acclaim. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at


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