7. MAC Getting setup with GIT

Описание к видео 7. MAC Getting setup with GIT

Getting Started with Git on macOS

Ready to optimize your development workflow and collaborate more effectively on your Mac? Git is a powerful version control system that helps you track changes to your code, manage projects, and collaborate seamlessly with others. Setting up Git on macOS is a straightforward process, and once you're up and running, you'll wonder how you ever managed without it. Let's dive in and get you set up with Git on your Mac!

Step-by-Step Guide:

Check if Git is Installed:

Open the Terminal application on your Mac. You can find it in the Applications folder or by using Spotlight search.
In the Terminal, type the following command and press Enter:
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git --version
If Git is already installed, you'll see a version number displayed. If not, you'll be prompted to install it.
Install Git:

If Git is not installed on your Mac, you can install it using one of the following methods:
Using Homebrew: If you have Homebrew installed, you can install Git by running the following command in Terminal:
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brew install git
Using Xcode Command Line Tools: If you prefer not to use Homebrew, you can install Git by installing Xcode Command Line Tools. Open Terminal and run the following command:
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xcode-select --install
Downloading from Official Website: Alternatively, you can download and install Git directly from the official Git website: git-scm.com.
Configure Git:

Once Git is installed, you'll need to configure your identity. In the Terminal, enter the following commands, replacing "Your Name" and "[email protected]" with your name and email address:
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git config --global user.name "Your Name"
git config --global user.email "[email protected]"
These commands set your name and email address, which will be associated with your Git commits.
(Optional) Set Up SSH Keys:

If you plan to interact with remote Git repositories using SSH, you'll need to set up SSH keys.
Run the following command in Terminal to generate a new SSH key pair:
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ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -C "[email protected]"
Follow the prompts to generate the SSH key pair. By default, the keys will be saved in the ~/.ssh directory.
Add your SSH key to the SSH agent by running the following commands:
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eval "$(ssh-agent -s)"
ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_rsa
Finally, add your SSH key to your Git hosting service (e.g., GitHub, Bitbucket) by copying the contents of the ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub file and pasting them into the SSH settings page of your account.
Start Using Git:

You're now ready to start using Git on your Mac! Navigate to your project directory in Terminal and initialize a new Git repository with the command:
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git init
You can now add files to your repository, commit changes, create branches, and more using Git commands.
Congratulations! You've successfully set up Git on your Mac and are ready to enhance your development workflow. Explore Git's powerful features, collaborate with others, and build amazing projects with confidence.


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