HOW TO GET A RAISE AT WORK | Asking For More Money in 2021

Описание к видео HOW TO GET A RAISE AT WORK | Asking For More Money in 2021

Are you ready to start making more money? When was the last time you asked for a raise at work? Is it time? I think it's time!

A few videos ago, I shared that I received a raise at work, an 18% raise at that. And the truth is, I have only asked for a raise once before. I usually accepted what I was given in my annual compensation conversation. A lot of us do. A lot of us just take the raise we're given without really asking ourselves if this is really what we wanted? What we deserved?

We're coming up on Latina Equal Pay Day, where Latinas still make .55 to the white man's dollar, and while we cannot change the pay gap individually. It actually takes policies to be put in place and large corporations to make this happen, what we can do is ask for more money.

I want you to get raises in the high double digits! Ask for more money at work and get it. Or if your current employer isn't giving it to you then go elsewhere. Go somewhere that will pay you what you deserve.

We're in the middle of the Great Resignation... and that could really help you advocate for more money because your employer wants to retain you but also gives you more opportunity to look for another job because more companies are hiring.

So how do you ask for a raise? In this video, I go through the following steps:

1. Gather your data
2. Find out what you're asking for
3. Schedule time with your manager and let them know what you want to meet about
4. Create your deck or one-pager with FACTS from #1 and ASKS from #2
5. Present deck or information at your meeting

💰💰 YOU can now get a copy of GET THE RAISE: The #LatinasGetMoney Deck Template: 💰💰

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