Mushroom Farming in Odisha(mushroom cultivation in odia) । ଛତୁ ଚାଷ । ପାଳ ଛତୁ ଚାଷ ।

Описание к видео Mushroom Farming in Odisha(mushroom cultivation in odia) । ଛତୁ ଚାଷ । ପାଳ ଛତୁ ଚାଷ ।

Dear friends today we will know what is the procedure to cultivate mushroom in odisha. Today we will discuss, how to cultivate mushroom. We can start mushroom cultivation in very low cost in odisha . Some people think that mushroom farming cost a lot of money. But it does not require a lot of money. We can start it with 5000 rupees only. Mushroom cultivation is a type of farming which we can do inside as well as outside the house. We can also do it under the tree. For mushroom cultivation we need a house and a water tank and bunch of paddy straw. Who does not have own land, they can easily cultivate mushroom in a house.Though we don’t need soil for this farming, we can do it in a house. We can make shelves through bamboo trees and cultivate mushrooms on each shelf. For mushroom cultivation we need some basic thing like a water tank, bunch of paddy straw, plastic cover, some bamboos, a water sprayer machine, etc.
First we need a bunch of paddy straw which has strong stem. Then we should hold the hay at the top. After that we should jerk the hay back and forth to get rid of the loose hay. Follow the steps as shown in the video. After separating bottom and top part of the bunch of paddy straw, each bunch of paddy straw length should be 1.5ft or 2ft.
Follow the steps as shown in the video.
Now we are cutting the bunch of paddy straw with 1.5ft length.
For one bed of mushroom cultivation process we need 10 kg of paddy straw, which means 20 bunch of paddy straw.
So first we should separate 2 inch from the bottom part of the paddy straw, after that we need 2ft paddy straw from the top part.
Rest of the top part of the paddy straw we can use as fodder for cattle or compost or fuel for clay oven.
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Then we have to tie up all the bunches of paddy straw and wet them inside the water tank for 6 to 8 hour in monsoon session and 10 to 12 hour in summer session.
We have to put some limestone and bleaching powder in water to kill the insects or germ from the paddy straw.
For shock the bunch of straw people can use small water tank, big water tank ,small well or pond.
Now we are shocking the bunch of paddy straw with putting some limestone and bleaching. After that we have to keep this bunch of paddy straw horizontally in a plastic, so that excessive water can out from hay. We have to keep this bunch of straw in outside for 2 hours for monsoon session and 3o min to 1 hour in summer session. Actually we want 65% water in paddy straw.
Now we will know how to prepare bed for mushroom cultivation.
For one bed we need 20 to 22 bunches of paddy straw and one bottle of mushroom seeds which is 200gm and 200gm besan.
Now you follow the video to open mushroom seeds from the bottle.
Now we will separate mushroom seeds in to 3 big parts. Now we have to do it in small part and the size should be 1sqin.
#mushroomfarming #mushroomcultivation #mushroomfarminginodisha

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Song Credit:- relaxdaily


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