CICD with Gihub Actions (GREEK)

Описание к видео CICD with Gihub Actions (GREEK)

In this video, I walk you through the CI/CD workflow of my AuthService Go application using GitHub Actions. You'll learn how to set up a Docker multistage build, create a streamlined deployment pipeline, and automatically trigger deployments to a local server. This process aims to help developers efficiently manage and deploy their applications.

Topics Covered:

Setting up GitHub Actions for CI/CD
Docker multistage builds for optimized Go applications
Automating deployment to a local server

Check out the project on GitHub:

Find me:
  / mike-kaipis  
  / mikekaipis  

00:00 - Introduction
00:40 - What is CICD
02:30 - What step we will make
04:30 - Github Actions
05:48 - YML workflow syntax and steps
12:30 - Multistage Dockerfile
15:19 - YML workflow syntax and steps
16:00 - Deployment Step
20:00 - Triggering CICD
24:50 - Personal Opinions
27:29 - Outro

#CI/CD #GitHubActions #Docker #GoLang #GoApplication #DevOps #DeploymentPipeline #DockerMultistageBuild #LocalServerDeployment #ContinuousIntegration #ContinuousDeployment #SoftwareEngineering #TechTutorial #Programming


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