Learning Chassidus = Learning Kabbalah

Описание к видео Learning Chassidus = Learning Kabbalah

Rabbi Yechezkel Ashlag asks the Rebbe to endorse a proclamation that it is time for every Jew to study the classical works of Kabbalah.

The Rebbe responds: “Chabad Chassidism incorporates the teachings of Kabbalah, explaining them in a way that can actually be grasped by the intellect. I do not reject other approaches, but the Chabad tradition is that by studying Chabad Chassidism one learns Kabbalah, Talmud, and Chassidism all together, as one.”

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30 Shevat 5750 - February 25, 1990
Living Torah Program 168
Watch full-length videos of the Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson: https://go.jem.tv/YT (microdonation)

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