【猪猪侠之变身小英雄全集】 🤩昂贵的墨水 The expensive ink | GG Bond Ⅶ: Monster Hero | GG BOND 第七季

Описание к видео 【猪猪侠之变身小英雄全集】 🤩昂贵的墨水 The expensive ink | GG Bond Ⅶ: Monster Hero | GG BOND 第七季

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The greedy Werewolf has been hunting for cuttlefishes and extracting their ink brutely to make a profit these days. To save their race, the cuttlefishes sneaked into the city. People thought they were dressed-up men since it was Carnival days and didn’t pay special attentions to them. So the cuttlefishes were able to kidnap King Rose. GG Bond made a transformation and save the King out. But when he knew that they did this for their existence, GG Bond helped the cuttlefishes to destroy Werewolf’s ink factory.


#GGBond #RescueCrewComes #Comedy #Action #Adventure #豬豬俠 #变身小英雄


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