GFG Problem of the day is based on this pattern, replace K with 0 to solve this question.
Solve any problem of K sum subarray
Problem Names:
1. Find K sum subarray exists
2. Find the starting and ending indexes of subarray with sum K
3. Find the K sum subarray with maximum length
4. Find the total count of subarrays with sum K.
Problem Statement:
1. Find the subarray with sum k exists or not?
2. Given an unsorted array A of size N that contains only positive integers, find a continuous sub-array that adds to a given number S and return the left and right index(1-based indexing) of that subarray.
In case of multiple subarrays, return the subarray indexes which come first on moving from left to right.
Note:- You have to return an ArrayList consisting of two elements left and right. In case no such subarray exists return an array consisting of element -1.
3. Given an array containing N integers and an integer K., Your task is to find the length of the longest Sub-Array with the sum of the elements equal to the given value K.
4. Given an array of integers nums and an integer k, return the total number of subarrays whose sum equals to k.
A subarray is a contiguous non-empty sequence of elements within an array.
Problem link:
1. Solve locally.
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#ShashwatTiwari #coding #problemsolving
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