The Dutch Roll - Learning to Control Adverse Yaw

Описание к видео The Dutch Roll - Learning to Control Adverse Yaw

A proper Dutch Roll typically has a rhythm, or more accurately a syncopated rhythm. Most pilots try to fly the Dutch Roll as a rhythm exercise. Trying to move aileron and rudder to a beat or rhythm is a big mistake. The key to a Dutch Roll is controlling yaw. It is easy to do if you know how to watch and interpret the sight picture.

Your host for this video is Jim Alsip, a Master Certified Flight Instructor Emeritus. This video is one in a series of Hangar Talks that share with you some of the key points developed in Jim’s books Flying the Tailwheel Airplane, Artistry of the Great Flyer and A Pilot’s Guide to Airmanship and Aerodynamics. They can be purchased at If you enjoy watching the Hangar Talk videos, and you want to learn about stick and rudder skills, you can take advantage of the resources presented on Jim’s website:


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