Spikeball Top Plays of 2017

Описание к видео Spikeball Top Plays of 2017


10. Anchored LI (Ryan Fitzgerald/Anthony Alvino) vs Midnight Stallions (Daniel McPartland/Nick Sant) at Boston Grand Slam
9. Forced Friends (Tyler Cisek/Cam Cisek) vs Recrem (Gus Gonzales/Minh Bui) at College Nationals
8. Origin Impact (Patrick Drucker/Chris Hornacek) vs Anchored LI at Philadelphia Tour Stop
7. Point Loma (Kenny Ortega/Zach Wood) vs Tetelestai (Logan Cornelius/Jesse Throw) at Nationals 2017
6. SubPar Team (Josh/Jacob) vs Anchored LI (Ryan Fitzgerald/Anthony Alvino) at Nationals 2017
5. Max Model and Ben Dantowitz vs. Cam Cisek and Cole Model at Flurry 2017
4. Strange Embrace (Devin/Jarratt) vs Vance/Manteiga (Zac Vance and John Manteiga) at Boston Grand Slam
3. Anchored LI (Ryan Fitzgerald/Anthony Alvino) vs Midnight Stallions (Daniel McPartland/Nick Sant) at Boston Grand Slam
2. Forced Friends (Tyler Cisek/Cam Cisek) vs Easily Dug (Andrew Card/Travis Core) at College Nationals
1. The Rookies (Tyler Cisek/Ryan Fitzgerald) vs Alvino/Graham (Anthony Alvino/Joel Graham) at Long Island King of the Beach

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