Replace Element Switch, Front Control Slide-In Frigidaire Range Repair

Описание к видео Replace Element Switch, Front Control Slide-In Frigidaire Range Repair

This is Frigidaire FFES3015PWF electric stove, with knobs up-front. That's a "slide in" type of stove. Burner gets stuck-on? It's always at maximum heat, and burnt your Mac & Cheese? The solution is replace the switch. The parts are called "infinite switches" because the controls smoothly adjust the element power output... from maximum down to simmer.

The repair for slide-in, is easier with these tips. Also ideas about buying the replacement switch. There's lots of videos for standard stove, knobs in behind burners, BUT this is the video for knobs forward, in front of the electric elements, freestanding stove.

It's my first youtube video upload, so let me know your opinion, in the comments. Making these repairs, installing Fridgidaire switch slide replacements for free standing range, goes better with this video.


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