Magica Festival 2015 (After Movie) - Parvati valley

Описание к видео Magica Festival 2015 (After Movie) - Parvati valley

The Magica Festival is a celebration of the divinity of this Valley, also the divinity within us. It's a tribute to the Mahadev - Lord Shiva. His Cosmic Dance of Creation lives to this day - that is the purpose of this Festival. To unlock and release the divine supreme within all of us through floods of sonic landscapes, connecting with each other in love, peace and harmony, making the earth tremble with our footsteps as we dance away till wheresoever eternity shall extend!!

Artists : Kingurjapati, Audiogramme, Enso Brahma Tribe, Chromaderma , Spikeme Mike, Girisha, Mahayan, Liquid Noize, Dharma.


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