Confrontational woman doesn't realise its a bridleway...and her dog should really be under control

Описание к видео Confrontational woman doesn't realise its a bridleway...and her dog should really be under control

Cuckoo brow and Confrontational woman doesn't realise this is a bridleway...and her dog should really be on a lead as it was obviously poorly trained and didn't obey her recall when she tried to call it in ...she wasn't a happy bunny. Here is the video of us reaching her group and the dog which had zero recall what wasn't picked up clearly on the video is her shouting rudely stop! stop right there ! you shouldn't be riding on here even tho my mate had pulled up well before them safely with no drama, we were being quite respectful and not riding flat out out even tho it's potentially a very fast fun descent I had no issues with her until she started ranting at me when i had slowly started to pass her I tried to remain calm and resptectful as she loudly told me that we were on a footpath and shouldn't be riding but it just caught me and tweaked a nerve that got me started arguing with her, it can be seen earlier in the video that we weren't riding at stupid speeds down there as I'm aware it's often quite busy with Walkers as well as bikes and very occasionally horses. I hope you can see before we met her that we had just previously stopped and waited for a family to happily get out of the way or come up past us even tho they chose to go to one side of the bridleway, we had let their kids and dogs come up past me and I had waited patiently for all of them to come up past me before I set off again, I am always quite prepared to stop and wait for walkers or other bikes, I do not expect everyone to get out of my way we all share these bridleways but the first family and couple we encountered had stood to the side and signalled us to come down just before I started started filming again, from there we carried on down the hill. It's hard being courteous when you get met with an attitude like the woman moaning at me met me with and even harder when I actually know where I am and the status of the trails that we are riding on is fully legal for us to ride when she obviously can't even read the fingerposts as she enters the bridleway clearly marked with the symbols making it even easier for the uninitiated to understand the status of a route letting her know what you are likely to encounter at any time on any given marked bridleway or Byway or even footpath ...... this is a very clearly marked well used bridleway I hope it spoiled her walk as much as she spoiled our ride theres no need for all the aggro, we all have to share many of these routes


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