NEW 8.3 MM Hunter Guide | Learn MM Before Shadowlands | Azerite/Talents/Corruptions | WoW BFA

Описание к видео NEW 8.3 MM Hunter Guide | Learn MM Before Shadowlands | Azerite/Talents/Corruptions | WoW BFA

Hey guys! Tyler here and this is my last guide of BFA! In this guide, I have 3 different builds for your MM, perfect for you if you're testing out your Hunter for Shadowlands. This guide is a living thing, so any changes I make will be changed here in the description and in a pinned comment. Leave me your thoughts!

Machine Gun Build: 0:50
Azerite Traits: 0:55
Talents: 2:00
Stat Priority: 3:29
Corruptions: 4:09
Unerring Vision (Crit) Build: 6:08
Azerite Traits: 6:13
Talents: 7:26
Stat Priority: 8:44
Corruptions: 9:51
My Build: 11:40
Azerite Traits: 11:44
Talents: 12:58
Stat Priority: 14:33
Corruptions: 15:20
Closing: 16:56

Shadowlands Alpha Video:    • Shadowlands Alpha MM Hunter Discussio...  
8.3 Guide:    • 8.3 Updated MM Hunter Guide | Rotatio...  
Corruptions:    • MM Hunter Corruptions Guide | Discuss...  

Essence: Single Target:
Condensed Life Force - EP Raid Boss Kills (Breath of the Dying for PVP)
Crucible of Flame - Level 65 Neck
Worldvein Resonance (3+) - Island Expeditions
AoE (M+):
Focusing Iris - M+ Chest
Purification Protocol - Mechagon Questlines
Worldvein Resonance (3+) - Island Expeditions
Vision of Perfection - King Mechagon (Mechagon)
Focusing Iris - M+ Chest
Breath of the Dying - Uldum Dailies
Crucible of Flame

Updated Corruptions: Whispered Truths (Skitra Bow Corruption), Expedient III, Severe III, Masterful III, Ineffable Truths

Azerite Traits: Unerring Vision (2 or 3), In The Rhythm (As many as possible), Focused Fire, Surging Shots, Ancient's Bulwark

Secondarys: Overwhelming Power, Unstable Flames, Elemental Whirl

Defensive: Resounding Protection, Nature's Salve, Duck & Cover (only 1)

Stat priority: Crit to 25-30%, Mastery, Agi, Haste, Versatility, Critical Strike (over 30%)

Opening sequence: Hunter's Mark, Double Tap at 10 sec on timer(if you take it), Pre-pot, precast Aimed Shot at 3 seconds, rapid fire, Arcane Shot, on-use trinket/racials, True Shot, Aimed Shot, Arcane Shot, Aimed Shot, Arcane Shot, Rapid Fire, Aimed Shot, Arcane Shot, Aimed Shot, Arcane, Aimed, Arcane..

Single target (Raid): Major = Life Force Rank 3 from raid
Minor #1 = Vision of Perfection rank 3 from Hard mode mechagon
Minor #2 = Cauldron of Flame from rank 60 neck
Minor #3 = Breath of the Dying from Uldum quests/Visions

Multi target (M+): Major = Focusing Iris from M+ weekly chests
Minor #1 = Vision of Perfection rank 3 for Hard mode Mechagon
Minor #2 = Cauldron of Flame or Conflict & Strife from pvp
Minor #3 = Breath of the Dying from Uldum quests/Visions

Addons: WeakAuras, DBM, Quartz, Bartender, Classmods, Titanpanel

Patch Notes for 8.3:

Bosses to coin: N'zoth, Skitra, Freehold, Shrine

Setting up addons:    • MM Hunter Addons + Unerring Visions W...  

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