জর্দানো ব্রুনো : কেন জীবন্ত শহীদ : ঐতিহাসিক বিচার / Giordano Bruno : Why Burnt Alive

Описание к видео জর্দানো ব্রুনো : কেন জীবন্ত শহীদ : ঐতিহাসিক বিচার / Giordano Bruno : Why Burnt Alive

This video is about Why Giordano Bruno Burnt Alive along the Historical Trial (জর্দানো / জিওর্দানো ব্রুনো : কেন জীবন্ত শহীদ : ঐতিহাসিক বিচার). This is more than his biography (জীবনী) or his life story (জীবন কাহিনী). Just check it up.
Giordano Bruno was burnt alive primarily due to his controversial ideas and refusal to recant them. He was a philosopher, mathematician, and cosmological theorist whose beliefs often contradicted the religious doctrines of his time. Bruno's support for heliocentrism, the plurality of worlds, and his rejection of traditional Christian views on God and the cosmos brought him into conflict with the Catholic Church. Despite being warned and given opportunities to retract his ideas, Bruno remained steadfast in his beliefs, leading to his eventual condemnation by the Roman Inquisition. In 1600, he was executed by being burnt at the stake in Rome's Campo de' Fiori. This tragic end is well-documented in various historical biographies and accounts of Bruno's life and trial.

For making this video I am grateful to:
১) বরণীয় মানুষ : স্মরণীয় বিচার
By সুনীল গঙ্গোপাধ্যায়
২) Giordano Bruno : His life, Thought and Martyrdom
By William Boulting
৩) Giordano Bruno : An ever burning Flame
By Ashoke Mukherjee
৪) উইকিপিডিয়া

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The Galposalpo

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