How to Make Potent Infused Tea with Marijuana

Описание к видео How to Make Potent Infused Tea with Marijuana

How to Make Easy Marijuana Tea, Chai Latte, and Herbal Tea with Potent Effects. The video provides three different methods to make marijuana tea, which can also be referred to as weed tea, cannabis tea, THC infused tea, or CBD infused tea depending on the ingredients used. The first method involves grinding the marijuana buds and mixing them with butter before filling a tea bag or using a metal tea ball to steep in hot water for 30 minutes. The tea can be sweetened to taste and can be flavored with an additional tea bag of the user's choice. The second method involves blending marijuana buds, milk, butter, and vanilla before simmering with water and a chai tea bag for 30 minutes. The mixture is then strained through a fine-mesh sieve before being served. The third method involves filling a tea bag with ground marijuana before steeping in hot water with an additional tea bag for flavor. However, this method does not extract the THC and will not produce a high. The video includes warnings to check relevant marijuana laws and to use caution when consuming marijuana products orally, as they may take 45-60 minutes to take effect and can produce a strong high even with small amounts of marijuana.


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