Canossa and the Lands of Matilda

Описание к видео Canossa and the Lands of Matilda

The lands of Matilda constitute an area with a strong identity which distinguishes itself within the regional panorama for its environmental, landscape and historical-cultural characteristics.
The area presents itself as a combination of nature and spectacle, history and culture, economy and environment. With the passage of personalities such as Pope Gregory VII, the Emperors Henry IV and Henry V and St. Francis this setting was at the centre of European Medieval History.
Layers of centuries old history, are attested by archaeological sites such as Luceria and Servirola; by historical centres like Montecchio Emilia and San Polo d’Enza; by the standing remains of the castles of Montecchio, Bianello and the Quattro Castella, by the national monument of Canossa, the castles of Rossena and Carpineti; by the parish churches of Bibbiano, Cavillano (San Polo) and Montecchio; by the convent architecture of such structures as Montefalcone, one of its main symbols and gateway to the entire area; by the numerous villas and rural dwellings and the magic boxes of the dairies.


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