Postural Control Mechanisms - Felix Wachholz

Описание к видео Postural Control Mechanisms - Felix Wachholz

Felix Wachholz, member of the Neurophysiology Research Group at the Institute of Sport Science in Innsbruck, presents the results of his PhD studies in this presentation. He mainly focuses on postural contol during or after different sensations, such as dual-tasking, adolescence or after shaking the head. The method he used to analyze 3D kinematic movement data was a principal component analysis (PCA).

00:00 - Introduction/Background
05:31 - Method (PCA)
09:29 - Research question
09:56 - Dual-Tasking
13:56 - Adolescence
18:21 - Headshaking
22:46 - Discussion

If you have questions please let us know in the comment section below. If you are interested in the video of the discussion after the presentation, please leave us a comment as well.

Neurophysiology Research Group:



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